Optimists form the largest class of sailing dinghies in the world. It's therefore surprising that the Optimist is one of the last classes of sailing dinghy that still retains the antiquated, non kick-up rudder of yesteryear. IODA (the International Optimist Dinghy Association) must surely be aware that this anachronism creates unnecessary problems for young Optimist sailors and that a solution needs to be found.
The Dotan kick-up rudder provides a perfect solution. If class rules for racing justify IODA's reluctance to change, it should be emphasized that Dotan's rudder complies with every single Optimist class rule specification (shape, dimensions, material, etc.), including the revolutionary kick-up mechanism. The kick-up feature can quickly, easily and effectively be disabled by a supplied lock-pin feature to make participation in competitions legal.
After putting to sea, the rudder blade is lowered and fixed in the vertical position by inserting the lock-pin into the lock-hole of the rudder box. The lock-pin prevents any lifting of the blade whatsoever. Thus, Dotan's revolutionary rudder reverts to a non kick-up, standard Optimist rudder.
Note that international category judge, Zvi Ziblat, examined Dotan's kick-up rudder in the fixed pin-locked 'vertical position and concluded that the rudder is not at variance with any Optimist class rule. Ziblat assessed that the Dotan kick-up rudder is 100% compliant and compatible with each and every Optimist class rule. |
Dotans kick-up rudder system won the Design Award METS 2002 in Amsterdam, Holland, and received the prize for Best Designed Product in the Field of Marine Equipment and Accessories.
Judges at the exhibition appreciated "the advantage of the kick-up rudder system design functionality, originality, innovation, user-friendliness and price/quality ratio".
Every product was judged by an international panel of experts, all professionals in the field of sailing, marine technology, design and marketing.
Dotan's revolutionary kick-up rudder is permanently installed on the transom of the Optimist. The dinghy is transported by trailer, dollie or pushed along the sand into the water when the Dotan rudder is in a kick-up position.
As a result, the Optimist world is presented with a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY thanks to the Dotan kick-up rudder: Sailing Optimists will no longer be restricted to clubs or marinas. Optimists will be able to be sailed ANYWHERE, including in countries with open shores, thereby attracting thousands of children to the sport of sailing.
Check Out These Kids Experiencing Difficulties When Coming Ashore in an Optimist with a Standard Rudder.
Check Out a Six-Year-Old Child Singlehandedly Flicking Up Dotan's Revolutionary Kick-Up Rudder on an Optimist
Optimists Permanently Installed with Dotan's Revolutionary Rudder on Dollies and Trailors on Beaches/Slipways
Do not remain silent! Silence is a conspiracy! Break the silence! If you also think the standard non kick-up rudder creates problems and difficulties for children who sail the Optimist, share your thoughts and your experiences with others! Tell others what happened to you with the standard Optimist non kick-up rudder when the water was cold and the wind was blowing and the sea or lake was lumpy.
Inform others that a smart solution is now available, thanks to the technologically brilliant Dotan kick-up rudder!
Vorteile des Dotan-Ruders
Sofortige Steuerung des Ruders
Das kick-up-System von Dotan ermöglicht das Heben oder Senken der Ruderblätter in Sekundenschnelle mit nur einer Bewegung. Unverzichtbar für sichere Manöver beim Ablegen oder Anlegen, selbst bei schwierigen Bedingungen.
Robustes Gehäuse
Gefertigt aus korrosionsbeständigen Verbundmaterialien, bietet das Ruder Zuverlässigkeit und Stabilität, auch in extremen Situationen.
Leichte und stabile Blätter
Dank moderner Technologie mit thermischem Schock und hohem Druck kombiniert das Ruderblatt geringes Gewicht mit außergewöhnlicher Haltbarkeit. Ein hydrodynamisches Profil sorgt für eine gleichmäßige und effiziente Navigation.
Universelle Anpassung
Das Dotan-Ruder ist einfach an verschiedene Boote und Katamarane anpassbar. Die einfache Installation und Einstellung machen es ideal für Segler aller Erfahrungsstufen.
Schutz vor Hindernissen
Das Ruderblatt klappt bei einer Kollision automatisch hoch und schützt vor Schäden. Es kehrt in Sekundenschnelle in die Arbeitsposition zurück und sorgt für Stabilität und Kontrolle.
Warum sollten Sie sich für Kick-Up-Ruder von Dotan entscheiden?
Erfahren Sie mehr über den Dotan-Rudermechanismus